Xbeeriment har følgende øl med ved Copenhagen Beer Celebration 2012 – 11. og 12. maj.
Xbeeriment A Beer Called Horse (5,6%): Lambic.
In the spring of 2010 we discussed the possibility of making a collab with a few other micros. The theme was going to be a blend of different sours. The collab, alas, never came into being but the beer was brewed, so we just let it sit and mature for 2 years. Now is the time to share, what came out of this funny experiment with the finest gathering of beer geeks ever to assemble in Copenhagen, Europe, the world…. 5 IBU.
Xbeeriment Horses’ Sweat’n’Cats Pee (5,6%): Lambic.
Same base beer as A Beer Called Horse but dry hopped for 2 weeks with a massive dose of Nelson Sauvin hops. 5 IBU.
Xbeeriment Leo Leaves Setùbal With No Regrets (9,3%): Fadlagret Triple Style Ale.
There are so many barrel aged beers around, but why is it that most of the time barrel aging is reserved for massive, dark beers? We thought that we’d give it a try to create a complex barrel aged beer out of something completely different than the usual imperial stout or barley wine. So we took our triple style ale, Xbeeriment Leo, and aged it for a year in a Moscatel de Setùbal barrel. The result is an astonishingly complex beer…….. 38 IBU.
Xbeeriment On The Road (0,6%): Ginger Beer.
The Xbeeriment version of ginger beer is nothing like the stuff you get most of the time, where the modest ginger flavour is being drowned in cloying sweetness. When we say ginger, we mean GINGER!!!! Brewed with pilsner and wheat malt, ginger, ginger, ginger and a bit more ginger, we thought we’d accentuate the beery stuff as well, so we just gave it a massive last minute shot of Nelson Sauvin hops during the boil. Remember when drinking this beer: Don’t Drink and Drive….. 10 IBU.
Xbeeriment Tart! Said The Horse With Red Teeth (6%): Lambic aged with cherries.
The third version of our base lambic, this is 2 year old lambic which has been aged for almost 3 months with 5 kg of cherries per 25 liters. 5 IBU.
Desuden har Xbeeriment følgende kendte øl med ved Copenhagen Beer Celebration: Barack, Black Force One og Black Force One Bourbon Barrel Edition.
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